The Top 5 Safety Topics in 2023

The Top 5 Safety Topics in 2023

Year in Review: Top 2023 Blog Posts

As we bid farewell to another year and prepare to welcome a new one, it’s important to keep workplace safety top of mind. Nearly four years out from the beginning of the pandemic, we’ve seen a lot of changes in the work environment, both physically and mentally. Of course, the onset of COVID-19 saw some monumental shifts in employee safety, but there have continued to be ripple effects, with 2023 bringing new challenges, trends and best practices.

Throughout it all, we’ve covered a wide array of safety subjects, from emerging hazards to strategies for enhancing worker safety. These blog posts serve as valuable resources for employers who want to be proactive and maintain a mindset of workplace safety. As we gear up for the new year, let’s take a moment to revisit the top 5 safety topics from the last year and rediscover actionable tips to empower your employees.

Here Are Our Top 5 Safety Topics From 2023:

1. Office Safety Hazards: A List of Common Workplace Risks

When a workplace injury occurs, everyone pays the price. In fact, they cost companies a combined $167 billion in 2021, according to the latest data from the National Safety Council (NSC). But beyond just cost savings, occupational safety has several workplace benefits, including better retention and recruitment rates and increased engagement. To help employers prevent potential mishaps, we put together this list of five common office safety hazards to avoid.

Key takeaways:

  • Explore the importance of taking workplace safety seriously and the benefits of doing so for both employers and employees.
  • Learn more about the 5 most common safety hazards in the office space, from tripping and falling to fire safety and everything in between.
  • Discover how to mitigate these hazards with an effective safety program, job hazard analysis and workplace safety training.

2. 7 Steps of the Worker’s Comp Claims Process

The worker’s compensation claims process can be complicated, especially as each workplace injury is different. However, that doesn’t mean it needs to be an insurmountable task. With the 7 simple steps outlined in this blog, you can learn everything you need to know about when employees should report an injury, who they should report it to and what happens to their claim during and after the filing process. Plus, we walk you through how to successfully transition employees back to work after an injury.

Key takeaways:

  • Find out how a trusted worker’s compensation carrier can support you and your employees during the claims process.
  • Learn what it takes to help employees make a successful move back to work.
  • Simplify the worker’s compensation claims process into 7 easy-to-understand steps.

3. How ‘Stayin’ Alive’ Will Make You a CPR Lifesaver

CPR is an essential life-saving skill that everyone should know. According to the American Heart Association, around 383,000 people suffer sudden cardiac arrest outside of a hospital setting each year — and less than 50% of them receive the immediate CPR assistance they need. So how do you make sure you’re prepared to assist if an emergency were to arise? Our blog on how to save lives with ‘Stayin’ Alive’ teaches you when and how to perform CPR with step-by-step instructions for both mouth-to-mouth and hands-only methods.

Key takeaways:

  • Learn when you need to perform CPR on a person as well as when it could be unnecessary or even potentially harmful.
  • Find out how to perform CPR in 6 simple steps using the hit disco song ‘Stayin’ Alive’ to keep a proper beat of compression.
  • Discover the 2-step, hands-only CPR method that involves calling 911 and delivering chest compressions.

4. Understanding ANSI’s First Aid Kit Requirements

No matter how safety-minded you and your employees are, workplace accidents are bound to happen – and when they do, everyone needs to be prepared to act swiftly and safely to ensure the injured employee receives appropriate medical attention. As part of your first line of defense, first aid kids are an essential item to have on hand. But these kits are more than a box of bandages and some aspirin. In this blog post, we take a deep dive into the American National Standards Institute’s requirements for first aid kits to ensure yours is up to par.

Key takeaways:

  • Learn about the different classes and types of first aid kits and why they’re essential to have in the workplace.
  • Dive into the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA’s) guidelines, standards and inspections for first aid kids.
  • Read the complete list of first aid kit minimum requirements according to ANSI’s Z308.1-1998.

5. How to Craft a Safety Policy Statement

A safety policy statement is an essential building block for a successful workplace safety program. During National Safety Month, the NSC highlighted several key trends in this area, including topics like ergonomics and defensive driving. But beyond these tangible trends, the council also underscored the importance of fostering a culture of safety. That’s where a safety policy statement comes in. In this blog, we explore how this document expresses an organization’s commitment to its employees’ well-being, the benefits of creating one and a few tips for crafting your new policy.

Key takeaways:

  • Find out what a safety policy statement is and the benefits of developing this crucial document.
  • Learn about the important considerations you should reflect on before starting your statement.
  • Discover 4 actionable tips for crafting an effective safety policy statement.

Workplace Safety in the New Year

Of course, these top 5 safety topics are only a few of the many articles we’ve published this past year, but they serve as a helpful sample of some of the biggest workplace safety trends in 2023. And with 2024 quickly approaching, it’s crucial for employers to look back on the performance of their safety programs. From successes to accidents, there are always areas to improve.

Hopefully, you can use these top 5 safety topics from 2023 to inform your strategies in the new year and achieve greater results. And as always, our expert safety Solutionists are only a click away if you need additional support.

From our team at FFVA Mutual, we wish you a happy and safe 2024!



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