FFVA Mutual Year-End Results [2015]

FFVA Mutual’s financials for the year ending December 31, 2015 are consistent with the profitable growth we experienced over the last several years.

2015 Year-End Financial Highlights:

  • Net Admitted Assets $317.6 million
  • Direct Written Premium $115.9 million
  • Policyholder Surplus $143.5 million
  • Net Underwriting Gain $12.8 million
  • Net Income $12.0 million
  • Net Investment Gain $8.4 million
  • Loss Ratio 50.7%
  • Combined Ratio (excluding dividends) 89.8%

I’d like to thank our dedicated agents, employees and board of directors for a strong financial close to another successful year. As your workers’ comp carrier, our team will continue to provide you and your customers with outstanding underwriting, safety and claim solutions.


Craig Menzl
President & CEO